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1.Don't be an asshole
2.Games are Best of Three series. Best of 5 in playoffs.
3.Six cups per side. 2 beers per side. That's 6 beers per match. BYOB
4. Players must alternate drinking to drink equal amounts. Drinks must be beer.
5.To open the game the loser of Rock, Paper, Scissors shoots one ball to open. The opposing team shoots both balls (one player each) and it continues as so.
6.One bounce on table is allowed. (Does not count as extra) Once ball hits table twice or cup once, it can be hit away.
7.If the ball is illegally swatted away, the ball counts as in and the game continues.
8.Elbow behind the front cup while shooting, but again look at rule 1.
9.Blowing is NOT leagal. If it touches beer, it's in.
10. You must ask for a rerack at 3 cups. This can be done as soon as three cups remain.11. If you spill your own cups, it's as good as in. Drink what you can salvage and continue.
12. If both players on a team make their ball in a single turn, both balls are returned for another shot.
13. If the ball lands on top of three cups, all cups are drank.16. If both players on a team make their ball to end the game, half the cups(round up) are taken away and the losing team gets shots only to reduce their drinking.
17. If first shooter makes the last cup, the second shooter gets a chance at the same cup to apply rule 16
18. OVERTIME - When one team makes all 6 cups, the opposing team gets one ball for each cup remaining. After each shot, one cup is taken away. The opposing team must make all cups in a row to send the game into overtime.
19. OVERTIME - The first overtime will consist of 3 cups and one beer per side. The team that made the redemption shot will shoot one ball to start just like regular game. Second or more overtimes will consist of one cup per side.
20. 2nd OVERTIME - One cup. Team that first made their cups shoots one first. One shot per team, alternate shooter.
21.Any discrepancy in the games not stated in the rules will be settled by a member of the house not involved in the game at hand.